Le Rire Médecin (The Laughter Doctors) “On a Wire” or how a work of fiction can spring from reality[Le Rire Médecin (I Dottori della Risata) “Su un filo” o come un’opera di finzione può nascere dalla realtà] Caroline Simonds
L’umorismo e altre culture: l’esperienza dei clown ospedalieri in Eritrea[The humor and other cultures: the experience of hospital clowns in Eritrea]Daniele Guaragna & Camilla Bertini
Ristrutturare la percezione della malattia: l’importanza dello humor nelle malattie croniche [Reframing illness: the role of humor in adapting to chronic conditions]Elena Ricci
La funzione sociale della risata nell’interazione: i contributi di Gregory Bateson, Erving Goffman e Harvey Sacks[The social function of laughter in interaction:the contributions from Gregory Bateson, Erving Goffman and Harvey Sacks]Maria Alessandra Molè
Freda Gonot-Schoupinsky, Merv Neal & Jerome Carson. 2024. The Positive Psychology of Laughter and Humour. Casa Editrice: Emerald Publishing Ltd., Leeds, UK. [157 pp., € 52,00]Carla Canestrari
Rashi Bhargava & Richa Chilana (eds). 2023. Punching Up in Stand-Up Comedy. Speaking Truth to Power. Publishing House: London and New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group). [258 pp., € 47]Michele Sala